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Puppeteering with Folkmanis Puppets

 Bringing your puppets to life –
“Oh, but I could never do that!”

With puppet in hand, proceed to the nearest mirror to try it on for size.
By following these few tips, you’ll  soon convince friends that you’re
a natural puppeteer.

Insert your  thumb in one paw, and the little finger
in the other. This leaves three  fingers for the manipulation of the nose
and/or mouth. NOTE: even if  you’re right-handed, you might find your
left hand more relaxed for puppeteering (or vice-versa.) This is a
common experience, and one we  can’t explain. With the animal on
one hand, hold it in the crook of your  other arm. This gives your puppet
a nice nest and conceals the secret of your participation.

 Remember  that nothing looks more awkward  (or unconvincing) than a
 puppet perched on the end of an extended arm and hand.

If your puppet has a snout (bears, beavers, raccoons, skunks)  two
twitching fingers  will produce a wiggling nose. Have your puppet crawl
up your shoulder, tug at your sleeve, scratch, twist around, or hide 
in the crook of your arm.

For animals with tails, nest the puppet on your free arm, extending your
fingers of that arm toward the elbow of your  “puppet arm.” Position your
thumb under the base of the tail and move it  up and down to swish the

The sea otter, small panda, and cats look particularly endearing on
their backs, in the crook of your arm. From this position, have them
gaze at their audience, occasionally hiding their eyes  behind their paws,
scratching, or nestling down for a snooze.

Props like rubber balls, oranges, small mirrors, cups, or wrapped candy
will awaken  the natural curiosity of your animal. Insert your whole hand
through the  hidden sleeve of the larger, cuddly animals for animated
head action.

2226 - Coyote
2534 - Elephant
2573 - Fawn Puppet
2566 - Fluffy Cat Puppet
2740 - Folkmanis Mini Bobcat Finger Puppet
2738 - Folkmanis Mini Monkey Finger Puppet
2723 - Folkmanis Mini Scarlet Macaw Finger Puppet
2845 - Folkmanis Orange Tabby Kitten Puppet
2894 - Jester, Yorick
2562 - Lion Stage Puppet
2645 - Mini Barn Owl
2612 - Mini Bat
2641 - Mini Bear
2651 - Mini Beaver
2637 - Mini Chipmunk
2727 - Mini Dutch Rabbit Finger Puppet
2638 - Mini Spotted Owl
2610 - Mini Praying Mantis
2735 - Mini Red Squirrel Finger Puppet
2734 - Mini Sea Lion Finger Puppet
2732 - Mini Turtle Finger Puppet
2123 - Monkey -  Hand Puppets
2205 - Moose
2250 - Skunk
2868 - Standing White Bunny Puppet

Folkmanis Puppets - the complete line - goat, llama, dogs, birds, snakes, mythical creatures, cats, and more.
New Finger puppets (Rooster, Cow, pig, butterflies, ladybug, and many more)
New Characters (Boy, Girl, Ballerinas, Fairies, Witch, Fortune Teller)  


North Carolina
Phone: 336-835-4344

Please e-mail questions we will respond ASAP. Call 336-835-4344 if you have a deadline.
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